Saturday, May 13, 2017


The most important lesson that living into my senior years has taught me is that change is inevitable.  In the midst of life's stages there will be opportunities that come only once, so it is important to remain alert and recognize when something by chance is actually a doorway, slightly ajar, for you to walk through.  Such an opportunity was presented to my husband and me when we attended the gala for  Women’s e News presents 21 Leaders for the 21st Century 2017 ; (Video)

I had boldly asked the executive director if I could attend the event and bring my husband as a complimentary guest to assist me.  I said quite frankly, that there were some people that I needed to meet and that I believed those people would likely be at that event.  During the cocktail hour a man who introduced himself as "Dr. Abbey" presented us with an opportunity that I have actually expected for quite some time.
The photo below was taken just after we met.
What makes any moment "pivitol" is the element of mystery; i.e. what is it about the circumstances and the personalities involved that will cause an "opening" for critical changes to take place and have significant impact on many lives?

This remains to be revealed.  My husband, Clark and I are hopeful. 

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