Thursday, June 23, 2016


June 5, 2016

If I ever had any doubt that marriage is a Sacrament, an outward expression of what the Divinity has permitted as an expression of God's Love for humanity, ALL doubt was removed upon being introduced to the community witnessing our wedding ceremony  at State College Presbyterian Church on Sunday June 5, 2016 as husband  & wife......Mr. & Mrs. Clark Meachem.  Becoming a couple in the midst of a church community is where we looked for confirmation that being a married couple would be a good choice for us.  As a Christian couple we wanted to do more than just "fit in."  We wanted to become part of  the "body of Christ" where our union would be supported and where we could make a valuable contribution.  We also wanted to be around couples who knew  that marriage wasn't always easy.  In our prayer life, as individuals and as an engaged couple, we asked God to show us if we had HIS Blessing through our  families and those who had known each of us for many years as well as from new friends that were much younger.  We were engaged seven months and there was not one "nay-sayer."  In fact, some friends we hadn't seen in many years expressed their happiness for us and asked to be invited  to the wedding.  Our wedding ceremony and reception was a celebration of the embodiment (Sacrament) of God's Love for us and those who would choose to support our union.  The overflowing generosity in material gifts and support has been overwhelming for us as we begin married life.

Clark has not only become my husband. He also edits my writing and will serve as the editor of the  revision to my current memoir, It's Easier to Dance - Living Beyond Boundaries.  I have experienced his keen perceptiveness and political astuteness as an editor.  His ability to observe without judgment, yet state clearly any inconsistencies behavior as we travel beyond State College.  Clark supports me 100% or more in my approach to Disability Rights even when I find it necessary to boldly confront obvious discrimination.  Once I  asked him if he wished I were different.  His response, "I don't think it's in your constitution and, no, I would not change you!"